After a very long day at work today (one more day to go) I am Very Happy to announce our first meal that included fresh spinach from the garden. As you can see I fixed a Delicious spinach salad from the garden, topped with fresh strawberries and a sprinkling of chopped walnuts. I ate my salad with some Newman's Own Light Balsamic Vinaigrette. Yeah, that made my day! We also had chicken off the grill with some cactus dust. It was very good too.
The tomatoes are coming along nicely.
The daikon radishes are really growing. I don't know how to tell when they are ready. I guess you just pull it out and see. The 3rd row back is the sweet potatoes....another experimental project.
We had 3 hens that have been nesting. One of the hens hatched 2 eggs. Then a snake got in there and ate every single one of the other eggs that were due to hatch this week from the other 2 hens....Lousy snake!! Sometime between yesterday evening and this evening one of the 2 baby chicks has vanished. We can only speculate that it got out of the chicken pen and something ate it. When these little tiny chicks are still so small, they can walk right through the bitty wire. It's been a rough year for the chickens.