Charlie is good to go now. He knows the down signal. He is actually doing well in his training. Marianne and Gracie are doing fantastic in their Rally class! Marianne is hoping to be in the January show here. I think she would be ready before then, but then Gracie has never actually been exposed to the whole "dog show scene". Our current classes end on the 14th so then we have to make some decisions (besides inventing ways to continue paying for continuing on in dog classes). Marianne wants to continue on in Rally and I am trying to decide if I want to start on Rally or CGC and then Rally. Any thoughts on that???
I am sad because I have to go back to work on Monday. I still have too much to do here, so I should be able to just stay home and get paid just the same. Who needs math anyway?
I went to Hardy Berry Farms yesterday and picked blackberries and blueberries. Yum, yum. I put about 2 1/2 gallons of each in the freezer. I also got some fresh peaches and put them in the freezer too. Well, not everything went into the freezer. We ate them too.
Just a beautiful sunset that I thought I would share.
We have been having some issues with the neighbors pitbull that keeps coming over here after the horses, and me, and the chickens. But, of course, when aminal control finally arrives on the scene the dog is nowhere to be found...never mind that I have called about this dog a number of times and have given them the address where the dog lives...dah! Two weeks ago the dog was in the front pasture trying to bite Glory and tormenting the others. Luckily she is not afraid of dogs and did not bolt through the barbed wire fence trying to get away from him. I threw rocks at it and was yelling at it, but it just turned around and growled at me. I went back in the house to get my gun, but when I came back, the dog was back up by the road. Too bad! I wish I had shot him.
Charlie did in fact get a bath on bath day. Marianne was having fun taking pictures so that I could post them on my blog...but then I was a slacker and didn't get back on the blog. Charlie does enjoy his baths.
Come to think of it, I never posted any of our pictures from our fabulous trip to Kentucky. I guess I should still post some of those pictures, too. Charlie said to tell Haley that he is missing her and wants to play.
Haley would love to have a playdate with Charlie. She has played with Bo a few times, but I really don't trust him. (Half Rotty-Half Dobie) I see you finally got Charlie's new collar. Good color on him. And what is up with that pink toe polish on Mini Cujo?! LOL I am heading back to Lisa's the week that Marianne is off of school. Would love to spend the week with her there if you could manage it. Lisa said we could work out some travel arrangements if need be. I can't believe animal control won't go pick that dog up. You should make sure they see pics of what he did to Jake! Leave a camera by the back door and when he comes back onto your property make sure you get pics of him. If you have proof it was that dog, then maybe they will HAVE to go get him. A bullet sure would have been easier and quicker though, huh?! Good Luck!
The swelling in Jake's leg is going down. It looked much better today. Very encouraging. I offered to take the animal control officer in the back t oshow him Jake's leg, but it didn't seem to matter to him since there wer no eye witnesses. The pink nail polish on Mini Cujo is to further trick you into thinking she is a sweet little doggie. HA
Poor Jake. Cathryn is right, pictures might help. Like I told someone in Florida, if you shoot them, make sure they're dead and don't leave any evidence! Just use the CGC as a stepping stone towards rally. I got CGC's on everyone (but Satin) before we hit the ring for our AKC titles. Nell and Bella (Suzy Q!) even have theirs. It's good practice.
That's kind of what I thought on the CGC. Marianne could easily get one on Gracie, but she is hesitant about it because Gracie is so small...I'm not sure what that is about. It is legal in SC to shoot to kill any animal that is on your property presenting a threat to you or your livestock. The only other thing it says is that you have to shoot to kill and not shoot to wound. Of course, I haven't seen the dog since all this happened.
Maybe you got lucky and some other pissed off neighbor shot it for you! I'm glad Jake is better.
Teaching Charlie the down signal took some time and patience. I would do the singnal and he would just look at me and I waited him out. Knowing him he would get tired of standing and lay down (eventually!!!). Atfer he laid down I gave him the treat. Know he is much quicker about it.
Awww poor Jake, dogs like that need to be humanely destroyed, we've had to do that with dogs coming after my rabbits.
Or if not I'll cross my fingers and pray that your dog warden is better than ours.
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