Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yippee!! It's raining!!! Of course we have been on tornado watch and tornado warnings all day.... To the point of having all our students in the sitting position, lined along the inside walls of the school until 4:45 this afternoon...but who cares...IT'S RAINING!!! WOOHOO!!


Kathy said...

A big Woo hoo for your rain!! I hope you get lots and lots of rain.

Jim said...

We're getting a little of it too.None of the bad stuff though. We weren't as dry as you were but the grass was getting crunchy.

Ezzyelf said...

Happy about?

We Should be gettimg rain here in another week or so.

Enjoy it.

Heather said...

You can have the rain! maybe you'll be able to float a boat in your lake soon! The horses are probably rolling in the mudd! Enjoy! We've enjoyed being dryer.

Anne said...

Glory was very excited about the mud. She LOVES to roll in the mud. I have a picture of her and Lucy from last year. You can't tell then apart. HA