I skipped out from work early, just as soon as my last class was walking out the door. Then I raced home, changed, and got Jake to the Vet's office. The vet was upset because Jake had gotten worse. So we took x-rays this time, just to rule out any bone chips, fragments, and lameness due to something else that I can't remember. Anyway, it seems when the neighbor's pit bull chewed up his leg last month, one of the dog's canine's punctured Jake's tendon sleeve. This will cause the tendon distress because it will not be able to slide back and forth through the sleeve the way it is supposed to. I did actually learn a lot today, but it didn't make Jake feel any better. Maybe I just should have become a vet anyway. Jake's body is essentially trying to wall off the problem spot, hence the swelling. We are now treating the injury aggressively, but not invasively. The vet was afraid that making an incision for a drain would do more harm than good at this point. So he is on antibiotics twice a day for 7 days, bute twice a day for 7 days, and then once a day for 21 days, and I am using a Furason-DMSO combination to sweat his leg. Then his leg has to be wrapped...with BLUE vet wrap, of course. You sweat it for 12 hours then wash the leg down with cold water, leave the wrap off for 12 hours then do it over, for 3 days. The Vet thinks it will be at least 3 or 4 months healing, more likely a full year. We're hoping to avoid surgery. Worse case scenario, he will never recover from being lame.
Small update
2 weeks ago
I'm sorry the prognosis isn't better. Hopefully with some TLC he will fully recover though. It just kills me (as I'm sure it does you too!) that some sorry dog can cause this kind of damage and you can't even hold the owners responsible for what it did. The ought to be paying for all of Jake's medical care as well as having that dog put down!!
I'm so sorry Jake's recovery is going slow. That third picture down of him is totally awesome with the sun on his coat. He looks gorgeous! And blue is his color. I've seen that DMSO do some good things.
I am hopefull and doing everything that I can to get him sound again....preferably, without surgery.
i like......
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