Today was certainly an eventful day. Marianne and I had entered our first dog show. We entered in Rally Novice A. Gracie and Marianne were ready for the show. Charlie and I entered on a whim, since neither of us was ready for a show. But life is full of surprises, for sure.
We did a lot of waiting, and then waited some more.
But at the end of the day, Marianne and I were the last 2 entries in the entire dog show. That turned out ot be a good thing. Me and Marianne were the only ones there for Rally Novice A. Gracie and Marianne did great. They should have walked away with the blue ribbon and a high qualifying score, but sadly, Marianne had missed one of the signs, and got disqualified. Charlie and I gave it a shot. We barely made a qualifying score...but we made it, with a 72.
I'll take it!!
It was Charlie's birthday present to me anyway. Charlie didn't really care about the ribbons, but was very pleased with getting a new squeaky toy. I think I am still in shock over the whole thing. We might even be in the Greenville paper tomorrow. Marianne and I stopped at Krispy Kreme and got free donuts, even though she left her report card at home. That's a whole little story in itself. The girl at Krispy Kreme took our word for it and gave Marianne a half dozen donuts for free. Unbelieveable! So now we have a blue ribbon on a dog that barely qualified and free donuts! HA! What a day! The Lord works in mysterious ways. Then I went through a McDonald's drive through and got the dogs a hamburger. They were happy about that!