The garden is growing like crazy. I am now looking for people to share with. Marianne and I have squash, collards, and salad coming out of our ears now. By the time grandma gets here we will be up to our ears in green beans, too. So I have been doing a Lot of cleaning and cleaning out of things, heading towards a yard sale. We all know how much I hate yard sales, so I making Mickie do it. Might as well put her to work! I have completely cleaned out the kitchen cabinets, rearranged stuff, and cleaned everything, top to bottom. The next "clean out" spot is my closet, ugh! I have also done a lot of weeding and week- eating, but that's not much fun either. However, in my adventures of cleaning out the kitchen cabinets I came across and old fish bowl. It was still in the old packing paper from the move up here from it's really old. I figured the only logical thing to do would be to put it in the yard sale, but then I changed my mind and put a couple of Betas in it. I'm glad I decided to do that. I am really enjoying them. The female is blue with vertical stripes and the male is blue with red fin tips. They seem to like each other and are doing fine, so far. I haven't named them yet, so I am open to suggestions.
Down around the corner
5 days ago